Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Happy Thanksgiving!!

Happy thanksgiving everyone (okay yes I know I'm a day early....)!!! I hope everyone is able to spend the day with family, and don't go too crazy on Black Friday!
So I arrived home yesterday for my last time at home until right before I leave. It's really kinda crazy when you think about it!! We are under a month until departure, so now it's down to crunch time! Much of yesterday, today, and this weekend will be spent running around trying to gather the last few things I need... which means then it's time to pack everything up. Yikes. It'll be busy, but as my wonderful mother keeps reminding me, the more I get done now the less crazy it will be right before I leave!
I will say one good thing about leaving before Christmas.... early Christmas presents!! I am currently writing this post on my brand new tablet that I will be taking with me on my trip so I don't have to worry about traveling with my computer. Other than that though I'm not overly happy with the thought that I won't be able to spend the holidays with my family. At least I will get to see them this thanksgiving to be able to celebrate with them!

Monday, November 4, 2013

Count down

So I was kindly reminded today that our trip is now only 50 days away! It's getting super close, which is kinda scary if you ask me. I still have what seems like way too much to do to finish getting ready for the trip. But hey at least this means that we are less than 50 days away from finishing the semester.  Then again that means only three semesters until graduation, which is a whole other set of worries....