Saturday, December 28, 2013

Day three

Hey everyone! I know I promised pictures but I am still trying to work on it so please be patient while I try to figure it out!
Today was another busy day. We were supposed to meet early to do some chemical treatments on the embryos we collected yesterday,  however we were all a little slow moving so that got moved to tomorrow!
We instead started our day off with a visit to a memorial dedicated to the second president of Taiwan. The building and grounds were beautiful, and the statue reminded us of the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, D.C. The building was designed specifically to represent different things. The number of steps leading up to the statue was his age when he died, the colors were the colors of the flag, etc. While we were there we witnessed the changing of the guards who guard the statue. This was a very interesting, educational visit.
After the memorial we went for lunch to this place that sold a noodle soup. It was not bad, but the beef in the soup had a bit of a kick to it.
Today was the day we got to visit the hot springs up in the mountains! It was suuuuuper relaxing and I think we all wished we could have stayed for a longer time than we were allowed. The only downside to that was my roommate and I are both still smelling (and I'm sure smelling like) sulfur. Hopefully the smell will disappear soon!
After the hot springs we met Dr. Huang's father and brothers for a vegetarian dinner. What an experience! It was 9 courses long, plus dessert and fruit. Quite a bit of imitation meat and seafood were included in the meal. I ate some of courses 1, 3, and I tried 4. Otherwise I was way too full to eat anything else! It was a fun meal getting to know some of the other people on this trip better!
Now it's time for bed. Tomorrow is our trip to the zoo!

Picture is of the memorial from outside the gates

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