Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Second to last day

Tuesday was our second to last day in Taipei. Again, we had a free day to do whatever we wanted.
After breakfast, we did have to head to the lab to look at the results of our last embryo experiment. While the results might not have been what we wanted, the tests were preliminary and once we get back to the states we will continue working with the compounds to run more tests.
When we finished with the lab we headed back to the large tourist souvenir shop we had been to previously to finish up any last shopping we had. I definitely spent more than I intended too, but I think in the end it all ended up working out, and I hope everyone is happy. We also ended up spending a lot longer there than originally intended, but it's so easy to get distracted in that store.
When we finally made it out, we went to catch a very late lunch before heading back to Academia. Dr Huang finally took me for pot stickers, which Catelyn insisted I try before leaving. After lunch we also had to stop and find a shipping tube for Courtney to take some of her souvenirs home. Everyone got everything they wanted/needed and went back happy.
The rest of the night was spent relaxing and starting to get ready for leaving. You could definitely tell it was sinking in we had little time left.

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